Monday, June 13, 2011

Lalla Diakite finally married to long term fiance, Didier Drogba

Lalla Diakite, the niece of the Malian President, Amadou Toumani Toure and long term fiance, Didier Drogba, Chelsea Striker are finally married after they lived together without marriage for 12 years and have three children, they eldest son, Isaac, was born in France in 1999. 

Lalla and Drogba first dated in 1999, ever since they met in Paris and despite their difference in religion ( Lalla, is a moslem while Drogba is a catholic christian) they have lived  together happilly for years

The wedding took place on Sarturday, June 11, 2011 at Marie de Monaco. Their three kids were part of the bridal train, team-mates Salomon Kalou and Florent Malouda were among the groom’s men, Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich was pointed as the chairman for the wedding ceremony, while singer J.Martins & Akon flew in to perform. 

Ghanian star Michael Essien  who is one of Drogba’s  good friends also graced the occasion
Lalla Diakite and Didier Drogba looks striking performing with a traditional African dress, colorful robes, and gold jeweled headgear in a very special celebration. One invitation said, "They both looked spectacular."

After the wedding with a traditional African clothing, Lalla look elegant with a white gown, Drogba and then wore a gray suit, and veil at the ceremony held at the town hall.

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