Thursday, June 16, 2011

Natalie Portman gives birth to first son

Happy news coming from the couple Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millipied. BLACK SWAN star and choreographer has just welcomed the birth of their first baby, a baby boy.

News pregnancy of Best Actress Oscar in 2011 coincided with the news of her engagement with the choreographer. They met in a film that brings a number of achievements for Natalie, BLACK SWAN.

"I will always maintain the privacy of my life, but I would say that now I'm very happy and grateful for this experience," she said when announcing the engagement and pregnancy.

Unfortunately, still no word more details about the birth, the baby and other circumstances, besides the news that Portman has spawned. Until this news was revealed, the Natalie, Benjamin, and a spokesman for both of them are still not willing to give testimony.

On December 27, 2010, a Portman representative told the press that Portman and Millepied are engaged and expecting a child, due in the summer of 2011.On June 14, 2011, Portman gave birth to her first child, a son.

Congrats! It's been a big year for Natalie Portman : an engagement, an  Oscar and  now a baby!

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