Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Shera Bechard : Newest Girlfriend's Hugh Hefner

While Hugh Hefner's ex-fiancée and runaway bride, Crystal Harris has been busy party hopping and frolicking poolside, the Playboy founder has wasted no time lining up fresh lady loves. 

Hugh Hefner has announcing that he has a new girlfriend : Playboy model Shera Bechard! 

Just a few days after calling his new "best girl" Anna Sophia Berglund, "one in a million," Hefner announced an additional gal pal, who he calls "darling."

"Shera [Bechard] is both our November 2011 Playmate & my new girlfriend," Hef Tweeted Monday to an inquiring follower.
Shera Lorraine Marie Bechard was born September 14, 1983 in the Small French town of Kapuskasing, tiny slice of northern Ontario, Canada. At the age of 18 Shera packed her bags and hit the urban hustle of Toronto in pursuit of a modeling career. In her years as a model she worked with many notable photographers. She also worked with director and part-time photographer Andrew Thomas Hunt, who was immediately taken by her on-camera presence.
And than Shera scored a best actress award last year at the Austin, Texas-based Fantastic Fest -- the country's largest genre-film festival -- for her avenging-angel turn in the grind-house thriller Sweet Karma, in the role of a Russian mute, Karma Balint.
Although at first reluctant to take on such a demanding role, Shera quickly rose to the challenge. She took acting lessons, studied martial arts, learned how to handle a variety of weapons, and took a weekend workshop in the fine art of pole dancing. The end result speaks for itself, Shera is as captivating in motion pictures as she is in stills.
Despite being the one to call off the wedding, Harris, 25, seems upset about her ex-fiance moving on so quickly. "I was replaced the day after I left," she tweeted. "Expected."
Sounds challenging, right? Compared with that, then, her new role as this November's Playmate may be a bit tough, especially considering it seems to be going hand-in-hand with that of Hugh Hefner's new flame, a title that Hugh wasted little time in handing out after his recent broken engagement to Playmate Crystal Harris.

What do you think of the recent ladies - both Shera Bechard and Anna Sophia Berglund - he's been naming as his own? Do you think it's just a defense mechanism while he mourns Harris, or is he just at an age when you move on as quickly as you can?

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