Monday, July 25, 2011

Chef Karen Carlotta : Cooking In Paradise

Karen Carlotta was born August 1, 1982 in Jakarta, the daughter of Aaron Suryajaya Setijono, 59,  and Charlotte Sari Dewi, 59, a descendant of Indonesia, China and France.

Chef Karen Carlotta, or more commonly called the KC, she is a chef who hosts a Cooking in Paradise which was broadcast on Trans 7 every Saturday morning

Karen existence in Indonesia as a chef is still new, approximately 1.5 years. However, creativity has attracted the attention of many parties to make a woman who also holds an undergraduate economics is as iconic product or company.

Since last year, for example, Karen along with her future husband, Adhika Maxi, who is also a chef, becoming one of the icons of young people for a Japanese car. Karen is also under contract with the manufacturer of household appliances as a specialist chef.

Since studying in the culinary field, namely at The Singapore International Hotel & Tourism College (SHATEC) who founded Singapore Hotel Association, Karen was more poor across the restaurant and hotel in the country.

In fact, since late 2007 until mid-2009, Karen is responsible for three restaurants, namely One Rochester, One Twenty Six, and One Caramel. Starting from the position of chef de partie in charge of specific areas of pastry, Karen occupies an important position, namely as executive pastry chef, in the last three months.

Responsibilities in the three restaurants no doubt make more time spent at work. Six days a week, Karen was in the restaurant from 06:00 AM until around 23:00 PM

"I always try to come before employees arrive so I can check everything. Materials that are less good food in the fridge I would throw away. I do this because, if there are complaints from consumers, I am responsible, "said Karen.

Karen hard work done this arises because her passion for cooking. "The kitchen is my world," as the motto of her life. "If a day just is not into the kitchen, something was missing. Even when under stress, I'm definitely into the kitchen, "he added.

Karen became interested in the work of the kitchen since the age of 3 years old when he often watched his mother cook. "5 years old, one of the mortar's Mama, I claim as my own. Then I use for mashing the leaves or flowers in the yard while imagination to create something. Anyway wanted to go help Mom in the kitchen, but not allowed, "said Karen.

The mother finally let her enter the kitchen when her daughter was in high school. Armed with sponge cake recipes from books purchased, Karen started her adventures in the kitchen. "Because the new trial and error, more failure, which happens a lot harder," she said.

Karen did not give up. Her amazement when a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and baking powder turns into a fluffy sponge cake makes it challenging to get perfect results. In fact, when the first successful chiffon cake made, she attempted to get a different flavor.

"I do not want to just make a chiffon cake with a sense of standards. So, I try adding carrot juice or juice to get a sense different durians. Essences of mint too I have ever tried and it turns out the cake feels like toothpaste, ha-ha-ha, "said Karen.

Completed high school, Karen is actually aspire to deepen the knowledge about cooking, which has been obtained by self-taught-through education. However, more parents wanted her daughter is mastering the science of management.

Because of these demands, the management finally selected, even had it delivered to the world of work in the bank. However, because they can not enjoy, Karen chose to resign.

Her parents then sent her to Singapore to live with Judith Carlotta (34), the oldest sister Karen. This is where the youngest daughter of three began to pioneer dream of becoming a chef. She signed up to The Singapore International Hotel & Tourism College (SHATEC) for baking and pastry specialties.

Creativity is owned by Karen makes elected representatives of schools to follow the Food Hotel Asia 2006 competition for the category of wedding cake. A wedding cake batik and carvings Jepara, equipped with lights that can be lit in the middle, drive her bronze medal from around a hundred participants.

Imagination is often times produce a cake with an unusual appearance. One time, when her mother's birthday, her high heels made of sugar bearing the name of his mother. Karen also had to bake a prototype Maxi current girlfriend's birthday.

"I really like making weird shapes. And, if you've found an idea, I have a habit to put it into practice immediately, any hour. Otherwise, my baseball will be able to sleep, "says Karen who graduated from The Singapore International Hotel & Tourism College (SHATEC) with a GPA of 3.95.

As her career skyrocketed in the middle of Singapore, Karen dealing with conflict. When he returned to Indonesia, in June 2009, to attend her sister's wedding, her parents forbade her return to Singapore. "My parents worried because I am workaholic," says Karen.

Ambition has its own restaurant became a reason to pursue a career in their own country. Karen admitted that if the stay in Singapore, the opportunity to have a fairly small restaurant because competition is very high.

"But, when the first came back here, I am confused what to do because nobody knows who I am. Stepping from the beginning nor is it an easy step, "said Karen.

She then joined the Maxi to be a chef for private dining, which is usually held company, the socialite, or an official or office for a private event. Increases busy with activities in television, the chef to show demos, and preparing to open a restaurant.

"I want my creations recipe can easily be practiced by others in the house, except recipe menu at the restaurant later. For me, a chef must be able to share his knowledge to others, " said Karen.

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