Thursday, July 28, 2011

Elisany Silva : Brazilian's Tallest Teen Girls

Elisany Silva (Elizane Cruz Silva, Silva da Cruz Elizane) is a Brazilian girl who was born September 27, 1995 and has a height of 206 cm (6'9'') tall. She now ranks among the world's highest youth.

May be the Tallest teenage girl in the world. A 15 year old Brazilian teen is looked up to by just about everyone around her. Standing at an amazing 6ft 9 in, she is the tallest girl there.

Amazing. Being so tall isn't easy, but it helped her to find a job. She will debut on the catwalk ending the designer's show in Belem, dressed as a bride.
With his size is so high, she often had difficulty getting along with peers. Even rumored, school buses are not willing to transport it as too high.

High Growth Elisany reach 15 cm per year or three times that of normal children.

In a televised coverage of Brazil SBT, looks simple Elisany housing conditions make it unable to move freely.

When entering the house she should bow his head bowed as if forgetting will be bumped. Doctors say Elisany suffer gigantism that makes his body extremely fast growth.

Gigantism is linked to the performance of one part of the brain that produce too much growth hormone in the gland (pituitary gland). This produces the pituitary gland pituitary gland at the base of the brain that secretes hormones that affect growth and other bodily functions.

Doctors said the symptoms of gigantism makes frequent headache sufferer, having vision problems and there is a risk of death from several production related to the thyroid gland, adrenal and ovary.

"This can cause serious complications if left untreated can even cause death," said the doctor who interviewed SBT as reported huffingtonpost.

Although it is difficult to lead a normal life, Elisany determined someday she could pursue the field of modeling according to which the field needs people who are tall and slender like him.
"I want to be a model," said Elisany a cute face her children remain missing.

Huffingtonpost reported Elisany living in the province will perform in a bridal fashion show in Belem, Brazil.

While the mother is just concerned for the growth Elisany unnatural.
"I want Elisany stopped growing, so like other teenagers. I know he really always felt strange and sometimes wants to be normal like everyone else, "said the mother Elisany.

However Elisany not the only teenagers who experienced high growth in the body to extremes. Jessica Pardoe, a girl from Britain also has a height
6ft 9in. And a girl from Jamaica, Marvadene Anderson (16 years) also has a height 6ft 11in or 210.84 cm and was recorded as the highest in the world for teenagers today.

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