Friday, July 29, 2011

Marvadene Anderson : The World's Tallest Teenager

Marvadene Anderson is a Jamaican teenager, currently recognized as the world's tallest teenage girl at 6 ft 11 in (2.11 m). Anderson is originally from Prospect in Clarendon Parish, Jamaica, where she attended Edwin Allen Comprehensive High School.

She also played in the Jamaican U16 netball team. A member in the Jamaica's Under-16 Netball team, she recently won the best shooter award at the Caribbean Netball Championships and helped Jamaica win their seventh title in 10 years.

As the world's tallest teenage girl, Anderson was featured on The Learning Channel documentary The World's Tallest Children, and in 2010 she was interviewed on The Oprah Winfrey Show.
Anderson subsequently travelled to the United States on a basketball scholarship to Rutgers Preparatory School in New Jersey.

Currently studying under a scholarship at Rutgers Preparatory School in New Jersey, Marvadene is terrorising opposition teams across the state playing for the school basketball team. Originally from Jamaica, Marvadene is five inches taller than her idol, the basketball legend Michael Jordan. 

Marvadene now go to school and got a scholarship at Rutgers Preparatory School in Somerset, New Jersey. Because of the extra body height, believed to strengthen Marvadene basketball team at her school, and it has always been a threat to other school basketball team.

Just imagine, at the age of 16 years, her height is about 12 cm more than the basketball players of his idol, Michael Jordan.

"Marvadene is a great added value to the school and the basketball team here," said JJ Quenault, a teacher at Rutgers Preparatory School.

Marveden the origin of Jamaica has an older sister, Kimberly whose height is also almost the same, only difference about 10 cm only.

With a body posture that big, heavy Marvadene reached more than 95 kg and size 11 shoes. Even so Marvaden claimed never to have trouble interacting with others, because he thinks others remain to be nice because a good personality.

"Words are the rudest ever spoken to others about my body height is that I can never find a husband," said Marvadene

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